Assignment #1 - Submission
>> Saturday, September 26, 2009
I submitted my first assignment in my Composition and Design course last night. As previously mentioned, the assignment was to shoot both an urban and a rural landscape at both night and day. I had plans of great shots, but time and previous plans got in the way. My rural photos are far from my favourite and I feel that my day rural shot is way below my normal standards. But I had almost no time to complete this component as I had to leave for Chicago the same weekend I was trying to get the shot. Anyway, these are my rural images:They were taken at Mer Bleue here in Ottawa. It is a beautiful place and I had intended to go there for the shot, but not to this particular path. The one I wanted to go to was closed and I had to take what I could get.
My urban photos came out much better and I am actually really happy with them.They were taken in Chicago near Millennium Park. There is this giant metal structure, which looked like it was made of mercury. When the lights when down, it was even more interesting to look at. There were of course tons of other people shooting it, but I did my best to get them out of my shots. The hardest part of the urban shots was that I was limited in my equipment. I was not able to take my Slik tripod to Chicago and was therefore using my new Gorillapod. It is really handy and portable, but resulted in me lying on the ground numerous times to get my camera stable enough to take long exposures. In the end, I had three or four different sets of urban shots and this one was by far my favourite.
I am hoping that I am able to get a good grade considering it is the first assignment. At the very least, it will leave more room for 'improvement' when it comes to the next assignments.
Your urban ones are awesome!!! Yea, the rual ones aren't as good. I like the day one better than the night though and both would be better with some sort of point of interest -- photoshop a chipmunk in there or something. Let me know how you did. Great work!!
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