Sibling Rivalry

>> Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dave and his sister Jessica are both incredibly talented when it comes to the piano despite the fact that they play quite differently - David learns songs that appeal to him while Jessica plays chords and harmonizes with the songs she likes (I don't actually know what this means, I have just heard others say it). This photograph was taken during the holidays during one of the few times they were able to play together.



>> Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So far PHO5595 isn't turning out to be the intellectual adventure I was thinking it would be. I had my second class last night and was am now feeling a little more than disappointed with the outcome. We were shown what the expectations for our website (the one we need to create during the class) and I was shocked. I was so disgusted with the overall look and quality of the design that I actually made a face - when the instructor looked up from his computer I had to quickly hide behind my monitor so he wouldn't see my look of disgust.

It was very basic and the colour choices did not mesh at all, in my opinion. The Flash animation was something a bad high school student would make just to complete the assignment and had nothing to do with the site at all. The organization was poor to say the least and the display methods used to show the photo gallery were literally something I had done when in high school using those basic, free web design sites.

If that is what is needed to get an A in the course, as he stated in the previous course, then I should be able to get AT LEAST an A+.

On the brighter side, I have finished the basic design for my website as well as the flow chart and have even picked out the majority of the images I want to display in my gallery/portfolio. I would say I am done except for the fact that I keep revising things as I think of better ways to do different parts of my site. I am hoping that the basics he teaches us in the course, mixed with some further self-instruction through the books I purchased, should enable me to make a really professional looking website completely created by me.

I did learn one thing last night which will prove very useful in not only the creation of my website, but with all my photo imaging in general --- how to create a Photoshop Action. It is really simple and I could have figured it out earlier, it is just until now I hadn't realized its full potential. It was pretty great and I am looking forward to getting on Photoshop and making some more of my own for all the things I like to do to my photos (cropping, borders, signature, file extension, duplication, etc).



>> Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I started my second course on the road to my Certificate in Digital Photography last night. It was an awful and boring introductory course that went on forever. It was made worse by the terrible weather and the fact that I really just wanted to be at home with Dave.

But the course sounds like it could be good. It is Multimedia Applications - so basically by the end of the course we will have designed a website from scratch using Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, Illustrator and Fireworks (all Adobe programs). I have all these programs at home so I should be able to perfect my website, which as we all know is something I tend to want to do when it comes to my photography assignments.

In short, I am looking forward to the learning but not so much the instructor and he was incredibly dull last night.


Hope Chest

>> Sunday, January 4, 2009

This is Dave's Sister's hope chest which was hand-crafted by his Dad. It is really beautiful and smells wonderful as it is lined with cedar.



The work contained in my online galleries and published on my blogs is Copyright Stephanie Beach 1998-2011 (unless otherwise stipulated). All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission. My work does not belong to the public domain.

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