>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A while back Chris posted about Grotesque images on her blog - the image she used was one she found on the net of Obama transformed into a lizard creature. I found the image rather unsettling and can still barely look at it. Nonetheless, when I came across some texture images on the net the other day, one of the first things I thought of doing was 'grotesquing' an image I had taken.The above image is one I took of Chris about a year ago for an assignment at Algonquin. I thought of using this one as one of the textures I had was a bark like material (aka bark) and I thought it might look like she was adsorbing the bark onto her skin.
I have run it past Chris and gotten the okay to post it, even though she thinks it is really creepy. I on the other hand, have gotten really desensitized to it as I have been staring at it for so long.
I don't know if I will be doing many more of these images, as the technique would be pretty much the same for all of them (with little variance) and I think I have gotten the hang of it pretty well here.
Yeah, freakin' creepy!
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