>> Sunday, June 21, 2009
Inspiration for my photography comes from many places but I have always been incredibly inspired by Yousuf Karsh when it comes to portrait photography, as I am sure most portrait photographers are. His work captures the true character of the subject and it seems so effortless. He was truly a photographic genius.
Dave and I went to the Karsh Festival at the Science and Tech Museum this weekend and it was even better than I thought it was going to be. Not only were there some amazing photos displayed but also some of his tools for developing and retouching photos. There was also a portrait studio set up where you could take Karsh-like portraits. The camera present was a 'view camera' like Karsh might have used at some point (obviously it was incredibly basic and was really a digital camera in the framing of a view camera). And Dave and I tried it out.If I had been thinking I would have used my camera with their lighting setup so that I could have gotten some higher quality photos, but it was fun nonetheless.
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