Catching up ... Again

>> Monday, May 31, 2010

Once again, my list of photos to finish editing has gotten longer than I would like. I have a few recent additions to the list such as the trip to the cottage (and the photo assignment therein) as well as the day at Hogs Back with Dave and his fmily as well as a few older ones that I have yet to get around to like the rest of the Thanksgiving photos (yes that is right, I still have photos to deal with from an event that took place in October). I also have most of the 100 Possibilities project completed but unedited and the project isn’t complete until they are posted online.

The main reason for this is my clients always come first. I have had a few photoshoots and have had to put my personal photo-editing aside for these. Don’t get me wrong, the shoots have been fun and editing them is far from a chore, but it still results in a great deal of friends and family asking for photos that I cannot show. I am hoping to get caught up the next couple of weeks though as there are several events (trip to Toronto, family reunion, trip to Quebec City, etc) coming up in July and August that are going to result in a copious amount of photos needing editing.



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