Motivation Monday - Ray Pilon
>> Monday, February 8, 2010
Ray Pilon is not only a great photographer, but also a magnificent instructor. I have been lucky enough to have taken a course given by him at Algonquin and will hopefully be able to take more with him in the future. He also happens to be the organizer for the night (photography) program at Algonquin. If you ever get the chance to take a course with him, don't pass it up.
He started out with traditional film and has worked for years as a professional photographer. He spent many years with Lee Valley Tools shooting their beautiful magazine covers. His photos are breathtakingly beautiful and yet usually very simple.
He is able to do all sorts of photography as well as if he specialized solely in that area, from wedding photography to commercial and real estate. I believe it is the basic understanding of photography he has that makes his photos so great and it is his ability to take these wonderful photos with such ease that makes his work so inspirational to me.
(all photos found on Ray's site (link above) and are his property and under his copyrights)
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