A Pooh Update

>> Monday, March 7, 2011

So as you probably noticed, I didn’t complete the 100 Possibilities Project (aka Project 100) that I was working on. I had initially wanted to finish it before the end of 2010 and then gave myself another two months which would have resulted in completing it in about 1 year, but that didn’t happen either. As it is a personal project, it tends to get pushed back as other projects require my immediate attention. I have approximately 30 photos left in the series and I have ideas for the majority of them. I hope to get working on it again shortly and also to get caught up with posting them here on the blog but I believe they are up to date in the Flickr set if you want to take a look at where we are now.



>> Sunday, March 6, 2011

I have several ideas for what could be some really interesting portrait shoots. I have the gear to get the quality of shots I want. I have a repertoire of models to use. Unfortunately I do not have the weather I want. I don’t want my models to freeze to death in the coldness that is Ottawa winters so let’s all start thinking warm Spring-like thoughts so I can get moving with my ideas. Okay, we are all in agreement – Spring needs to come now!



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