Once Again...

>> Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Once again I am behind in my photo editing. I have a ton of photos to deal with some of which have been started, but none of them are finished. Once March Madness is done at work, I will be coming back to all these photos and will eventually get around to loading them here and on Flickr. I just need you all to be patient with me once again.


100 Possibilities: Button Pooh

>> Monday, March 22, 2010

DSC_9514er In which Pooh finds the button.


100 Possibilities: Curling Pooh

>> Sunday, March 21, 2010

DSC_9449er In which Pooh goes curling.


100 Possibilities: Coffee Pooh

>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010

16 - P1020621er In which Pooh finds that he also loves coffee.
This was taken at an IHOP in Florida shortly after returning to Clearwater from Disney. Pooh was still new and I didn’t want him touching dirty things, but he stuck so nicely to this coffee pot.


100 Possibilities: Horse Pooh

>> Sunday, March 14, 2010

15-P1020602er In which Pooh holds on tight.
This was taken at Magic Kingdom in Disney. They have these little statues on the side of the road leading up to Cinderella’s Castle and Pooh wanted to see if he could hang on long enough for me to get a shot.


100 Possibilities: Moleskine Pooh

>> Wednesday, March 3, 2010

P1020628er Pooh managed to find a whole rack of Moleskine notebooks - too bad I had already ordered Chris' Christmas gift online (and paid for the shipping).


100 Possibilities: Plane Pooh

>> Tuesday, March 2, 2010

P1020625er Pooh waited no-so-patiently for the plane to arrive at our terminal at JFK. He was rather anxious to get to his new home in Canada.


100 Possibilities: Pancake Pooh

>> Monday, March 1, 2010

P1020614er Pooh got his first taste of IHOP pancakes while in Florida. Unfortunately, like me, he wasn’t too impressed (that is to say, they weren’t that much better than Perkins or other breakfast restaurants-really good price though).



The work contained in my online galleries and published on my blogs is Copyright Stephanie Beach 1998-2011 (unless otherwise stipulated). All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission. My work does not belong to the public domain.

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